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Regular Price$12.50Combo Price$12.06
Size does matter when it comes to a bunch of pretty pink roses. The more the better. Pink roses are not just for romantic gestures and poetic expression. The sweet innocence of pink signifies sweet love, gratitude, and affection. This amazing bunch of pretty pink roses wrapped beautifully in a flattering cellophane sheet and tied with a matching pink ribbon will make that special someone’s day most memorable.
Contains : 25 Pink Roses Bunch -
Regular Price$14.88Combo Price$14.38
Roses are perfect for conveying any type of emotion. This gorgeous bunch of yellow and pink, long-stemmed roses hand-tied with a charming ribbon is the perfect gift which is not too loud, but is elegant, quiet, and induces an aura of peace. Send this gift for somber, quiet occasions, or for no reason at all to tell you near and dear ones that you are thinking about them.
Contains : 30 Pink & Yellow Roses Bunch -
Regular Price$19.99Combo Price$19.38
One sided arrangement of Red and Pink Carnations with green fillers in a basket, to celebrate those joyful moments.
Contains : 20 Red & 20 Pink Carnations in a Basket -
Regular Price$12.50Combo Price$12There is never a reason to send love and message of joy and cheer to your loved ones. This small basket arrangement of Yellow Lilies and Red Roses is a perfect gift for days when you are thinking about those you love and wish to send them your love. The basket is decorated with green fillers and a pretty ribbon.Contains : 4 Yellow Asiatic Lilies & 10 Red Roses in a Basket
Regular Price$12.00Combo Price$11.56
Carnations and lilies are a perfect combination of ceremonial and wishes of love and luck. This vibrant bunch of Pink Carnations, Pink Roses and Yellow Asiatic Lilies come wrapped in a beautiful matching paper tied with a pretty ribbon make a suitable gift for all occasions, big or small, formal or casual. Send this vibrant, delightful, and beautiful bouquet to your loved ones to share love, joy, and laughter with them.
Contains : 10 Pink Carnations, 5 Pink Roses and 2 Yellow Asiatic Lilies Bunch -
Regular Price$6.86Combo Price$6.52
Don’t you have the cutest valentine. Doesn’t your heart skip a beat everytime you think about them. This Valentine’s Day show them exactly how you feel each time you think about them, which is almost all the time; isn’t it. This amazingly and thoughtfully put-together bouquet of lovely long-stemmed Roses and matching Glads, with seasonal ferns and green fillers to enhance its beauty is just the right for your cutest ever valentine. Show them how you feel this valentine with this most unique gift.
Contains : 10 Pink Roses And 10 Pink Glads in a Basket -
Regular Price$9.99Combo Price$9.5
Delight your loved ones with this delicious and evergreen sweets Kaju Barfi on any festive occasion.
Contains : 1/2 Kg Kaju Barfi -
Regular Price$11.85Combo Price$11.25
This sweet roll is prepared from good quallity cashewnuts and chocolates.Kaju Choco Roll is a Rich, Delicious, Hyginically prepared and is a perfect choice to your dears to make them Happier on Birthdays, Festivals and on all Occasion.