Asiatic Lily

Showing 10–18 of 46 results

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    Today, instead of filling your loved one’s day with sweet nothings, fill it with a sweet something with this basket bouquet of lovely Red Roses and Yellow Asiatic Lilies, complete with two cute teddies arranged neatly in a pretty basket. It’ll surely send your sweetheart tumbling with love out of their house and into your arms.
    Contains : 12 Red Roses and 2 Yellow Asiatic Lilies With Two Teddy Bears in a Basket

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    This chic bouquet is stylish and graceful and just right for that special someone in your life. Send this bouquet of pink carnations, white lilies, and pink roses to create those romantic moments. The bouquet is arranged beautifully wrapped in matching paper and tied with a lovely ribbon.
    Contains : 2 Asiatic Lilies, 5 Pink Roses & 10 Pink Carnations Bunch
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    Good for a solemn occasion, white lilies are known as funeral flowers as they symbolize devotion and humility. This somber bunch of White Asiatic Lilies and Orange Birds of Paradise flowers, decorated with white filler-flowers and wrapped in a white sheet, tied with an orange ribbon is just the right bouquet to send on such occasions.
    Contains : 8 White Asiatic Lilies and 3 Orange Bird of Paradise Bunch

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    A perfect gift to brighten up that someone special’s day, this bouquet of beautiful red roses and the most gorgeous white lilies arranged elegantly in a simple glass vase will bring about peace and serenity wherever it goes. It’s a suitable gift if you wish to send sympathies or just show support to your loved ones.
    Contains : 10 Red Roses and 2 White Asiatic Lillies In Glass vase.

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    Unique and special, this stunning bunch of Anthuriums, Birds of Paradise flowers, and Yellow Asiatic Lilies, arranged elegantly in a glass vase is a perfect gift for special occasions, for anyone, friends or family.
    Contains : 2 Anthuriums, 4 Birds of Paradise, 6 Yellow Asiatic Lilies In A Glass Vase
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    A truly special gift for a truly special person. Pink Asiatic lilies are a perfect gift for weddings and engagements, and are suitable for any ceremonial occasion. Send this vibrant and amazing bunch of bright pink Asiatic lilies wrapped tastefully in a 2-layer pink paper tied with a pink ribbon to your loved ones and tell them just how special they are.
    Contains : 9 Pink Asiatic Lilies Bunch

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    Sweet and innocent like the smile of a small child, this endearing bunch of pink lilies will bring sweet joy and happiness where it goes. Send this pretty gift to that sweet someone that makes you smile
    Contains : Bunch Of 8 Pink Asiatic Lilies

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    This exquisite bouquet is for that exquisite someone in your life who is truly beautiful and delicate, like these perfect pink roses. This bouquet of fresh from the farm Pink Roses and Pink Asiatic Lilies arranged in a elegant style with green fillers in a beautiful glass vase will be perfect for that special someone. Don’t delay any further, tell them just how you feel.
    Contains : 20 Pink Roses and 3 Pink Asiatic Lilies in a Glass Vase.
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    Nothing says cheerful and bright as yellow roses and lilies. This bright, lovely, warmth inducing bunch of Yellow Roses and Yellow Asiatic Lilies arranged stylishly in a glass vase is a perfect gift to make-up her mood, or cheer that special someone. Send this lovely bouquet and see how that smile spreads all across that face.
    Contains : 20 Yellow Roses and 3 Yellow Asiatic Lilies in a Glass Vase
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